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As solid as a rock

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I am very glad, that Beni cries at sad movies. I don't really understand how "solid as a rock" should be something a man is supposed to be. It's just toxic masculinity. I want my man, every person in general, to be able to show emotions. How else are you supposed to open up to someone and really get to know them if they feel like they're not allowed to show emotions? It's not weak at all, it's probably the strongest trait a person can have.


That socks

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I'm actually not mad Beni does this. Usually they are just all over the floor in our apartment. It is just always rather ironic when he has ice-cold feet and doesn't realize he's too cold before it's too late.



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I mean, you can buy those cases for a reason. Mine has lemongrab on it. But yeah, luckily only half the staff asks to remove it, and the other half just takes it as it is, what makes this whole taking-out-thing even weirder, as it apparently isn‘t a specific protocol. And they usually can't even reason why. If they gave me a reasonable answer to why, I would probably remove it from the start.


The magic of glasses

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Everyone I know who wears glasses has the same ol' story of how they discovered leafs again. Or that birds have actual legs and aren't just blurry poofs of floof hopping around on those blobs of trees. And also, many people who don't need glasses have any concept of how they work. Yes, Karen, I am able to see how many fingers you put in the air, as I am not blind, but I can't read that sign that tells me what's in the fricking supermarket-isle.


An impossible task

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I can literally cut, file and clean my nails only for them to be dirty within half a minute again. I don't really know how this happens. Funnily enough, it's not always like this. Sometimes I feel like I worked in the garden and my nails are perfectly clean afterwards and other times I can wash my hands, sit in front of the TV and they're instantly dirty without touching anything. I must have some magical doorway to Narnia under my nails.


Adults only

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Adult content only. Sad adult content. Sorry. But I'm always kinda taken aback that we never actually learn how to do taxes in our school system even though it's something you need to do your whole adult life. I mean, I don't really know how integral calculus will help me in any way in my personal life but, according to the Swiss school system, it's more important than knowing how to do a budget or taxes. Logic.


Google knows everything

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Oh google, you picked the wrong time of the month to try to convince me that there is something up in my tummy. Well actually there is, but it's Sodom and Gomorrah instead of a fat little human being. Oh yeah, by the way, my hair is back to being lilac again. Just can't seem to keep one hairstyle for too long...


Oh Madonna

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Yeah, this one is rather short but I just had to laugh so hard once I came up with it. I am proud of laughing at my own dumb jokes. Especially because I could already see Madonna in her well known spikey outfit. This was just a pun meant to be.