Sharm el Sheikh was first recorded on nautical charts in 1762. With about 100 inhabitants, the town was considered a small fishing village until the 1980s. In the last 30 years, however, the current city grew abruptly due to high tourism.
The city with it's approximately 73.000 inhabitants is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.
Unfortunately, in recent years terrorist attacks and political tensions have slowed down tourism throughout Egypt, but especially in Sharm el Sheikh. In 2005, two major bomb attacks took place in Naama Bay and in the Old Town. This was followed by the Arab Spring, which caused irritations in Egypt.
The consequences are still clearly noticeable in Sharm el Sheikh. As a protective measure many police check-points are set up along the streets. In addition, checks are carried out on all entries and exits, including sea routes.
As a tourist, the presence of the police may be uncomfortable at first. But the opposite should be the case. The police are there to protect the population.
Many former visitors are afraid to return to the holiday resort and are prejudiced about the current security of the country. This is a pity, because Sharm el Sheikh really has a lot to offer and is an incredible travel destination.
For this reason we have decided to create this website. We want to show you what you can experience in Sharm el Sheikh and which places you should definitely visit.